habe ich mehr wovon? Sharp Ratio Sachen??
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viel Spaß damit.
Bob Fulkes writes of Sharpe ratios of mechanical systems.
Why not disuss the Sharpe ratios of CTA funds such as John Henry s, David Druz s, and so forth? They are 100% mechanical, they have a proven track record (audited, to boot), they have actually made money for clients as well as themselves.
It is reasonable to expect that the very best Sharpe ratios are produced by the very best CTA funds -- they have the most experience, the most market-battle-tested savvy, and (very importantly) the largest research budgets to investigate the widest possible spectrum of trading system ideas.
Go ahead and look. You ll find that CTA s, even the best of the best, the ones who test out EVERYTHING, have a Sharpe ratio less than 1.0.
There are plenty of CTA s reading this list and indeed reading this very message. These CTA s are tracked by a variety of Managed Futures advisory services, some in traditional ink-and-paper print media, some on the web, some doing both. I will guarantee you that none of these CTAs will respond with a message, "Go look at such-and-such website containing my audited results, you will see that I achieved a Sharpe ratio greater than 3 for five straight years." No way, Jose.
Mark Brown is a CTA, he advises a managed futures fund. Go look up his Sharpe Ratio to see what is actually possible in the real world. See if he routinely achieves 3 or greater. (answer: no). See if he even hits a Sharpe Ratio of 1 (answer: no). This doesn t necessarily mean Mark Brown is a poor trader, it means that (sharpe ratio > 1) is a poorly chosen threshold-of-acceptability for the real world we actually live and trade in.
Get used to it: what can actually be realized using actual trades and actual fills and actual markets, is a Sharpe ratio slightly less than 1. Not 3, not 3-to-5, not greater-than-5. Less than 1. That s the bad news. The good news is, you can make >100% profits per year, even with a Sharpe ratio less than 1. Larry Williams proved it. Richard Dennis and the Turtles proved it. Michelle Williams proved it. You and $395 worth of Pinnacle Data, and $3000 worth of Trading Recipes software can prove it too.
-- Mark Johnson
Attached is a ELA written by Bob Fulkes, with the function outline below. It calculates the Sharpe Ratio as a function to be used in an indicator...to be used in conjunction with a system. I find it to be very useful and I want to thank Bob for it.
{Function: SharpeRatio}
{ *******************************************************************
Function : SharpeRatio
Last Edit : 11/24/98
Provided By : Bob Fulks
Description : This function calculates and returns the Sharpe Ratio of a series of account values. It samples the series of values on a yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly, or daily basis as determined by an input. It also calculates average return and standard deviation. It prints the results in a form suitable for importing into an Excel spreadsheet for plotting.
Inputs: Mode - Sampling period (0=yearly, 1=quarterly, 2=monthly, 3=weekly, 4=daily NetValue - The series of values to be sampled. It should be equal to the beginning equity plus accumulated net profits. Periods - The number of yearly, quarterly, etc., periods to include in the calculation. If this value is zero, the function will use all periods up to a maximum of 1500. PrntMode: zero - Print one line summary only on last bar > zero - Print values as stored in array plus summary < zero - Do not print anything Futures: TRUE - For futures trading (Sharpe = Ave / SDev) FALSE - For Stocks (Sharpe = (Ave - 5) / SDev)
Method: The function samples the value of the trading account at periodic intervals, calculates returns in each period, then calculates the average and standard deviation of returns and annualizes them. It then calculates to Sharpe Ratio as noted above.
Assumptions: The usage for stocks assumes a constant value of 5% for the risk-free return (T-Bill interest rate). This is a good assumption for recent times but may be incorrect for the distant past. The Sharpe Ratio is independent of the sampling interval if the returns are normally distributed. Returns are typically not strictly normally distributed so the sampling interval will affect the results somewhat. There should be more than about 25 samples to get reasonable accuracy so use daily samples for 1 to 6 months of trades, weekly samples for 6 months to 24 months of trades, etc.
1998 Robert G. Fulks, All rights reserved.
Input: Mode(NumericSimple), {0=yearly, 1=quarterly, 2=monthly, 3=weekly, 4=daily} NetValue(NumericSimple), {Net value of account = Beginning Equity + NetProfit} Periods(NumericSimple), {Number of periods to use in calculation, zero = all} PrntMode(NumericSimple), {0 = print summary, 1 = include detail, -1 = don t print} Futures(TrueFalse); {TRUE for Futures, FALSE for Stocks}
Vars: Index(0), {Index used to index Return array} SIndex(0), {Index used to sum Return array} LNetVal(0), {NetValue at end of previous period} LClose(0), {Close at end of previous period} YClose(0), {Close at end of previous bar} Size(0), {Sixe of data to be stored in array} ILast(0), {Number of entries in array} Ave(0), {Average return} ASum(0), {Used to calc Average} SSum(0), {Used to calc Standard Deviation} SDev(0), {Standard Deviation} SDMult(0), {Multiplier to annualize Standard Deviation} Mo(0), {Month for bar} MP(0), {MarketPosition} MP0), {MarketPosition flag becomes 1 on first trade} YMo(0), {Month for previous bar} Yr(-99), {Year for bar} YYr(0), {Year for previous bar} YDate(0), {Date for previous bar} AvMult(0), {Multiplier to annualize Average} NetVal(0), {NetValue series} YNetVal(0), {Netval for previous bar} Active(FALSE), {False for first calc then true thereafter} Record(FALSE), {Flag to trigger calculation at end of period} Summary(FALSE), {Flag set if summary printed} StDate(0), {Start date} Sharpe(0); {Sharpe Ratio}
Array: Return[1500](0); {Table of returns as a percent}
Size = iff(Periods > 0, Periods, 1500); Size = MinList(Size, 1500); NetVal = Netvalue; Mo = Month(Date); Yr = Year(Date);
{This determines marketposition in either systems or indicators} if MarketPosition <> 0 then MP = MarketPosition else MP = I_MarketPosition;
MPX = iff(MP <> 0, 1, MPX);
Condition1 = Mo = 1 or Mo = 4 or Mo = 7 or Mo = 10;
{Initialize for yearly}
if Mode = 0 and Yr <> YYr then begin SDMult = 1; AvMult = 1; Record = TRUE; end;
{Initialize for quarterly}
if Mode = 1 and Mo <> YMo and Condition1 then begin SDMult = 2; AvMult = 4; Record = TRUE; end;
{Initialize for monthly}
if Mode = 2 and Mo <> YMo then begin SDMult = SquareRoot(12); AvMult = 12; Record = TRUE; end;
{Initialize for weekly}
if Mode = 3 and DayOfWeek(Date) < DayOfWeek(YDate) then begin SDMult = SquareRoot(52); AvMult = 52; Record = TRUE; end;
{Initialize for daily}
if Mode = 4 and Date <> YDate then begin SDMult = SquareRoot(253); AvMult = 253; Record = TRUE; end; end;
{Action if new year, quarter, month, week, or day}
if Record = TRUE then begin if Active = TRUE then begin {Each time except first time} begin ILast = ILast + 1; if LNetVal <> 0 then Value1 = YNetVal / LNetVal; if Value1 > 0 then Return[Index] = 100 * Log(Value1); if PrntMode > 0 then Print(Index:5:0, Date:7:0, YClose:6:2, LClose:6:2, YNetVal:7:0, LNetVal:7:0, Return[Index]:4:2); Index = Mod(Index + 1, Size); end; end else {First time only after initial position} if MPX > 0 then begin Active = TRUE; StDate = Date; if PrntMode > 0 then Print(Index:5:0, Date:7:0, YClose:6:2, LClose:6:2, YNetVal:7:0, LNetVal:7:0, Return[Index]:4:2); end;
LClose = YClose; LNetVal = YNetVal; Record = FALSE; end;
{Calculate and print summary}
if Active = TRUE and Summary = FALSE and (LastBarOnChart or ILast >= Size) then begin
{Calculate average return in period} Summary = TRUE; ASum = 0; ILast = MinList(Size, ILast); for SIndex = 0 to ILast - 1 begin ASum = ASum + Return[SIndex]; end; Ave = ASum / ILast;
{Calculate annualized standard deviation} SSum = 0; for SIndex = 0 to ILast - 1 begin SSum = SSum + Square(Return[SIndex] - Ave); end; SDev = SDMult * SquareRoot(SSum / ILast);
{Annualize average} Ave = AvMult * Ave;
{Convert back to ratios from logarithms} SDev = 100 * (ExpValue(SDev / 100) - 1); Ave = 100 * (ExpValue(Ave / 100) - 1);
{Calculate Sharpe Ratio} if SDev <> 0 then begin if Futures then Sharpe = Ave / SDev else Sharpe = (Ave - 5) / SDev; end;
if PrntMode >= 0 then Print( ",", StDate:6:0, ",", ILast:6:0, ",", SDev:6:1, "%,", Ave:6:1, "%,", Sharpe:3:2, ", ",GetSymbolName, ",");
{Print(Date:6:0, NetVal, Sharpe:4:2, MP:2:0, Active);}
YMo = Mo; YYr = Yr; YDate = Date; YClose = Close; YNetVal = NetVal;
SharpeRatio = Sharpe;