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{Mike C. Kock 02/2001 - RAVI von Tushar S. Chande "Das Grosse Buch der Tradingkonzepte"}
Input: Price(Close), Len1(65), Len2(7), Schwelle(3),Len3(20),Len4(5),len5(5);
Vars: RAVI(0);
RAVI = absValue(100*(Average(Price, Len2)-Average(Price, Len1))/Average(Price, Len1)); if marketposition=0 and RAVI > Schwelle then begin end; if high > Highest(H,len3)[1] and RAVI > Schwelle then buy next bar at open stop; if low < lowest(L,len3)[1] and RAVI < Schwelle then sell next bar at open stop;
if Marketposition(0)=1 and RAVIif Marketposition(0)=-1 and RAVI