RE: Indikatoren in Easy Language Code | |
hier ist der projection osc. du musst zuerst die function anlegen (sollte aber vorhanden sein). bresserts dss ist m.w. nicht mehr frei erhältlich. er verkauft seine tools jetzt im paket. nach dem dmi schaue ich nachher noch einmal.
function: _____________ Inputs: Price(NumericSeries), Len(NumericSimple); Variables: 0), Num1(0), Num2(0), SumBars(0), SumSqrBars(0), SumY(0), Sum1(0), Sum2(0);
If Len = 0 Then LinearRegSlope=0;
SumBars = Len * (Len - 1) * .5; SumSqrBars = (Len - 1) * Len * (2 * Len - 1) / 6; Sum1 = 0;
For X = 0 To Len - 1 Begin Sum1= Sum1 + X * Price[X]; End;
SumY = Summation(Price, Len); Sum2 = SumBars * SumY; Num1 = Len * Sum1 - Sum2; Num2 = SumBars * SumBars - Len * SumSqrBars;
If Num2 <> 0 Then LinearRegSlope = Num1 / Num2 Else LinearRegSlope = 0;
indicator: ____________________________________- Inputs: length(13), smooth(2),lowband(30),topband(70); vars: sl(0),sh(0),pl(0),pu(0),po(0),slowpo(0);
sl = linearregslope(low, length); sh = linearregslope(high, length);
for value1 = 1 to length begin value2 = low[value1 - 1] + (sl*(value1-1)); value3 = high[value1 - 1] + (sh*(value1 - 1)); if value1 = 1 then begin pl=value2; pu=value3; end; if value2 < pl then pl = value2; if value3 > pu then pu = value3; end; po = 100* (close-pl) / (pu - pl); slowpo = (2/ (smooth +1)) * po +(1-(2/(smooth+1))) * slowpo[1]; if currentbar = 1 then slowpo = po;
plot1 (po,"PO"); plot2 (slowpo, " SlowPo"); plot3 (lowband,"LowBand"); plot4 ( topband,"Topband");